Discounted fishing licenses

Members of an FCVPA-affiliated fishing club can obtain annual and fortnightly fishing licences at a reduced rate. If you would like to become a member of an FCVPA-affiliated fishing club, simply click on the following button.


Fishers holding a cantonal annual fishing licence can purchase annual canal licences at a reduced price.


Canal licences

Daily and two-day fishing licences can be purchased over the Internet or from FCVPA sales outlets. Annual fishing licence can be obtained from the companies or vendors listed below the points of sale.


New Fisher wishing to obtain an annual canal fishing licence must present the SaNa certificate of competence.


No daily or two-day fishing licences will be issued for canals during the period preceding the Sunday following the opening.

Online purchase - Canal fishing licence 1 dayOnline purchase - Canal fishing licence 2 days

Rhône, rivers, mountain lakes and ponds fishing licences

For the Rhône, streams, lakes and ponds, there are fishing licence valid for all these waters combined.


Daily and two-day fishing licence can be purchased online or at FCVPA sales outlets. Half-yearly and annual fishing licence can be ordered from the cantonal hunting, fishing and wildlife office.


New Fishers wishing to obtain an annual fishing licence for the Rhône, streams, lakes and ponds must hold a SaNa certificate of competence.


For the Rhône, streams, lakes and ponds, no daily or two-day fishing licence will be issued during the period preceding the Sunday following the opening.

Online purchase - Rhône, rivers, mountain lakes and ponds fishing licencesFCVPA sales outlet vendors

Lake Geneva fishing licence

For Lake Geneva, daily and annual fishing licence can be purchased at the following sales outlets or via the Internet.


Café-Restaurant La Batelière

Route du Lac 3

1897 Port-Valais

+41 24 481 23 71


Café Le Rivage, Chez Monmon

Quai Isaac de Rivaz

1889 St-Gingolph

+41 24 481 82 14

Online purchase - Lake Geneva fishing licence